Where Do Addiction Counselors Work and What Do They Do?

Substance abuse and addiction are a global epidemic, and addiction counselors are needed to help those struggling with addiction. Addiction counselors provide treatment and behavioral guidance to clients, helping them to recover from their addiction. They work in individual or group settings, and use a variety of treatment approaches to counseling people with addictions. Addiction counselors collaborate with their patients to assess their situation, set goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan.

They also provide support, counseling, and treatment to people who are dealing with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Quality addiction treatment centers include nutrition and wellness, and provide a variety of additional types of therapies to treat the whole person, with the ultimate goal of guiding the patient to a lasting recovery. Addiction counselors also help families affected by alcohol and drug abuse by providing family interventions as a first step to recovery. They help families understand how alcohol and drug addiction affects the whole family, and how to manage their family member's addiction in the future.

Aspiring addiction counselors can complete a program in which they will learn the basic skills needed to treat addiction. They can then use these skills as a solid foundation for continuing education. To become certified, they must take the National Counselor Exam (NCE) or the National Mental Health Clinical Counseling Examination (NCMHCE). Students who earn their Masters in Counseling from Wake Forest University leave with the skills needed to help people in their community heal and recover from addiction.

Addiction counselors provide an invaluable service, helping people to overcome their addictions and lead healthier lives.

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